Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Get Inspired!

Yesterday, I asked on FB if anyone had any inspiration, and only 3 people (my cousin, my brother and sister-in-law) actually answered. Isn't that life for you? Inspiration is like a hidden special something that most people find it hard to answer yet it is all around us and even "within" us. After I posted this question I decided that I would get out with my kids and hit the trail at Black Shoals Park in Conyers, Ga Rockdale County.  It was a beautiful day and what the heck! 

So I interrupted their classwork and we took a break. What an adventure! I wore jeans and boots and boy what did I do that for! My boots were not made for that kind of terrain and two of my children who felt the need to scurry ahead...waaaaay ahead went further then I wanted to actually go. Well, this meant they were in charge now of our little venture in the park. Now, the parks where I live look more like forests, not parks. Fallen trees, branches, little animals scurrying around, insects of all manner were about us. So we went forth like good soldiers, with kids leading the way.  So I trudged on uphill (by the way), on cragged rocks and embedded boulders, moss that looked dry but was just as soaked and deep like little small marshes, for which my boots were not made for. All the while I could hear my kids saying, Ma! This is like the great adventure! Thanks!  Ugh, I began to not feel so intrigued, I hate when my feet are wet with "whatever it was in those marshes" I don't know. Anyway, I was calling out to the 2 furthest adventurers because I truly did not want to see more or worse of the same terrain I had to walk gingerly through, hop over or darn there break my neck trying to get to the other side. Finally caught up to those two and I could hear the ones with me saying, "Ma you lost your cool back there, take a knee". Yeah, I told them they would lose their cool too if they had this body I had and 2 very curious, adventurous, physically fit kids leading you out to nowhere! Lol!  Anyway, I say that to say this, the inspiration I found lied within me and the life I was given. 

Today, I see inspiration, and it is God given and INSPIRED! Everyone has this same inspiration, you just have to look within and around you to know just how AWESOMELY INSPIRED your life truly is!!!

Well...that's my take on it anyway. What do I know?!