When I was a kid I absolutely loved tracing, coloring, drawing, and painting! I looked for every opportunity to either doodle or color, even at times when I should be paying attention in class...for which the teacher would reprimand me often. It was very relaxing, and it was a way to be still and quiet yet busy in a way. These days my life is filled with schedules, homeschooling, online schooling, keeping track of my college kids, errands, endless foodshopping trips, boundless laundry, and managing household needs and maintaining a marriage. Any relaxing will have to be taken by force! Soooo... one of the things I picked back up was coloring! Yes! I know you may think it's childish but so what, I like it! I get to be quiet, concentrate, and think about what?! (GASP) N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Kind of the equivalent to "GONE FISHIN'". I say that to say this, don't forget that inner-child that you still possess. Yeah, that little girl or boy that is still there waiting in the shadows for you to get finished with all of the work that you deemed to be "oh-so" urgent and important. They are saying, "Come on already! Let's play!" Because playing is fun and it's gettin' in that balanced life!
As an aspiring writer, wife and homeschooling mother of 9 kids, life is always in session with plenty of "live lessons" to glean from. So much of what I have learned came by way of "life application" and it wasn't always applied in the way it should or could have been; you know the saying, "you live and you learn". Hopefully, if you read long enough you may find some inspiration, encouragement and even empowerment to do the thing called "Life". Welcome to class "Life's In Session!"